Wednesday, May 2, 2012


The lesson plan I used was one written by my co-op teacher I am working with in Newark named Mr. Dorney. The reason I decided I would use this lesson plan is because I recently helped teach it to a class for 4th graders, and am very familiar with the lesson. The main difference in the lesson came in by designing it more towards 7th and 8th grade students. I made my technology integration matrix using the NJCCCS standards, and the NETS-S standards, while incorporating the standards, the strategies, and the technologies used in the lesson plan. I feel it is important for me to first explain what the lesson plan originally was. The original lesson plan was intended to have students analyze the symbols found on American money, and ask questions to gain a further understanding of why they might be there. Once the dollars are analyzed and discussed by the class, they will be instructed to design their own symbol that they would want on their own dollar that was from their own currency. Originally, technology was not predominantly used in the process of completing the assignment. But after thinking of technology integration, and how it could improve this lesson, I came to the decision as to how I would greatly include technology. Through the use of Photoshop, this product takes on an entire new element. Originally, the completion of the student’s symbols would be done using markers, paper, crayons, and pencils. With using such materials, the final product made by the student appears very amateur and unreal to how a symbol would be in real life for an actual company, or country. I broke down the categories to match the days in which I would need to set assigned in order for my class to complete the intended lesson.
Day One: Access Information:
On the first day I would use several different strategies to fulfill the visual arts standard 1.1.2.D.2 and NETS-S Standard 1.A. Also the Social studies standard 6.1.4.D.13 is also addressed. On this first day, it is important to get my students on board with what they should be focusing in on. I would discuss the elements of design in creating a symbol with my class. I plan to have my students partake in analysis, student-teacher discussion, note taking, and information Gathering. To apply these strategies I would need a computer, power point, and a projector. A SmartBoard could also prove to be useful also in interacting with the slides shown.  Technology allows me to give concrete, visual imagery as to what we are speaking about, and what the students should be looking for when working on their own.
Day Two: Analyze and Evaluate Information
On the second day students should be familiar with symbols and how they are used in currency. To further the understanding of how symbols can be used, I would prepare a slide presentation, so I could actively compare and contrast symbols with students, and present questions and answers that need to be addressed to help further comprehension.  By using technologies such as computers, projector, google image search engine, artistor, and powerpoint, I am able to give useful visuals as aids that my students can use. Artistor is an online card catalog for art enthusiasts that provide multiple images from past artists in high quality.  I would then lecture my students, giving my own evaluations of an assortment of symbols, explaining how each symbol works well, or insufficiently. For visual arts, the standards 1.3.A, and 1.3.2.D.2 are met, and for the NETS-S the standards 4 and 2 are met.

Day Three, Four, and Five: Produce information
Days three, four, and five would serve as the time set aside for the art making process. During this time students will gather art materials, I will demonstrate how to use Adobe Photoshop to create a template that the students will use for their symbols and dollar designs. My students will observe what I am demonstrating, and will work in both groups and individually. At first, students will use pencils and paper to create thumbnails and sketches of their own logo and money designs. This work will take place in small groups so ideas circulate between students.  Each student is expected to create their own example of symbols being used successfully in the form of money. This stage is where technology is most utilized.  By using Photoshop and Illustrator, students are becoming familiar with an essential tool in modern day art making, and that is Adobe Creative Suits. The students will have multiple days to work on their project, as to get the project done neatly takes time. NJCCCS standard 1.3.8.D.4 is met, along with NETS-S standard one.
Day 6: Communicate
The last day works as the day each student will present their individual project to the class. We will all take place in a group critique, and wrapping the lesson up with a group discussion. Projectors and PowerPoint’s will display a student’s work for the class. Once the images are created, the class can set up a google docs hosting the images collected.
I whole heartedly believe that the use of technology took a lesson that would take two classes to complete, gaining minimal interest from the students, and turned it into a fun project, that students could use in the future. For art especially, technology is working its way into the field, and is proving to be a dominant choice of media. Being prepared as an art teacher to utilize these advances in technology is required in order to be successful. 


The NJ-ASK is a big part of students lives now her in New Jersey. I did my field work in Newark at Franklin Elementary school, and became familiar with the inner city life. The students and teachers at the Paterson Charter school for science and technology put an interesting spin on the approach on state testing. This video is a fun, interactive example of how technology use can go a long way in the school. NJ-ask

Please excuse...

Please excuse the nerdy artist that exists in me. I need to inform everyone about a San Francisco based artist, who is in her early twenties and extremely talented. I came across this artist over a year ago, using Instagram. Instagram is an awesome iphone application that allows users to make social networking photo journals. I started "following" Olivia, and became obsessed with her realistic painting style, and original content. I began studying her works, and her as an artist whenever I had free time at work, or school. I came across an interview Olivia was in, and she discusses Social networking, and how it has helped her as an artist. It is a great interview, and a brilliant artist to check out. She is pretty easy on the eyes as well.

                                              ^Work by artist

Facebook: Teacher friend or foe?

Facebook in schools

Lets face it, Facebook is everywhere! There is a negative stigma that comes with facebook in the eyes of educators. Most people speak about how it is best to avoid anything involving the site in the classroom, but for some educators, they are able to establish it as a useful tool. Personally, I deleted my facebook. In today's society, as a male teacher, the opportunity for ones words to be interpreted incorrectly is very possible. the best way to avoid the problems attached to facebook are by avoiding having one. Call me old fashion, but I just don't see the point in risking my job for a foolish website.


Ever have it where you find yourself completely lost of Adobe Photoshop? This might be foreign to some of you, but for art educators and artists alike, getting familiar with Photoshop is the modern day bread and butter. Images that one could never imagine can now be done quickly and easily with a few clicks of a mouse. Like other aspects of society, paper gets converted to electronics (Files at a doctors office). There is no difference in art. Art pieces that one time required several hours if not days or months of hard work can now be achieved much quicker and more efficiently. It is over-whelming to get an understanding on the ins and outs of this intricate product, but have no fear! Utilize technology!!!! If you find yourself lost, don't just sit there with a confused look on your face, go to youtube, and type in photoshop tutorials on the search bar. The videos are free, and often very helpful. You'll be the Rembrandt of photoshop in no time!

Creating a Year book with Lifetouch Program

As a future art teacher, I anticipate that I will someday be apart of designing a year book for the school I work at. At my high school growing up, there was a class specifically for designing and creating the year book. The students would use photoshop and illustrator, and the class was instructed by the graphic design teacher. The book took all year to make, and I unfortunately was not apart of that process. But after receiving my yearbook, much like other people, I was blown away by the amount of work that went into the book. Book making, and lay out design are all important aspects of art making, and these types of projects are important to be introduced to students in high school, because in the working world, many jobs in the art field mimic the process of designing a year books. It is smart to expose these students to this now, to prepare them for projects they will face in the future. This video from youtube offers info about a company called Lifetouch, and goes into details of how to use the program in designing a year book. I especially found the video interesting from an art education standpoint  around 1:59, when they discuss page layouts. Tools like this must be utilized, and are great features that come along with working in the new age of technology. make a year book!

How its made- Crayons

I wanted to look outside the box a little bit, and think of how technology impacts art education in a more literal sense. During my field work experience (and those experiencing field work can relate) I noticed a vast amount of supplies that the students used on a regular basis. From tempure paint, to scissors, markers, and crayons, kids find different ways to use different materials every day. But where does it all come from. If a student is using a crayon, what was the journey of that crayon? How did it get here? Check out this video I am posting from youtube. It gives a look inside a crayon factory, and explains the ins and outs of creating crayons. Check it out! How Crayons are made!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Graphic Design in High School

At Trinity High School in Ohio, they have such a great program for graphic design and three dimensional animation, starting in tenth grade. This program is funded by spirit services, and is targeted for poverty stricken areas. When I was in high school, I felt like the graphic design classes came no where near what this showcased school offers. The courses available to me gave a brief inside to how to use standard design programs, but it ended there. The best part of what this program offers in the video is the opportunity to work with real life clients. Students that excel in graphic design and art making will be facing several job opportunities and avenues, and without encouragement in high school, that message is weakly conveyed. The misconception of a "starving artist" prevents students in high school to take the risk of entering the competitive world of graphic design. If my high school offered something like this I would hop on the opportunity to get involved. As a teacher, it is a goal of mine to really have a knack with Photoshop and illustrator, as I know I will need to be prepared in the field for my students, so they can benefit the way these students seem to be benefiting.

Clickers outside of television use

Clickers work wonders in supporting laziness on the couch, but can this technology make a smooth transition into the classroom? At Western Washington University they have been utilizing these interactive devices to help prompt a better comprehension during a lecture. I've never seen anything like it, but I must say if I had a device that required me to answer a question the professor could see at any point in time, I'd certainly pay closer attention in class. Will this ever make it to the mainstream? Thoughts?

Perhaps Roy Lichtenstein's painting above was foreshadowing how artists would feel about the use of technology for art that exists in the present day. Popular devices such as iPad 2 hosts the application ART RAGE which I previously posted. I have to say, it is strange to see a student using an iPad as a canvas, but some schools feel this helps teach the fundamentals of art making to students while cutting the costs of supply, and concerning themselves on the quality of the material being used. I cant help but feel like this is just simple not art, but rather being able to become good at an application. I'm with the lady above^ where do you stand?
This link offers details on how Mercy High School is integrating technology into the classroom. The teacher shown talks about an application called Art Rage. Basically whatever the student does by hand, whether it be drawing, or watercolor painting, they then make a digital version on this application. The application is designed specifically for art students, and it follows them throughout their high school studies. I think this is a great example of how useful technology can be. Mercy High School is on to something, what do you think?


For interactivity five, the assignment required me to interview a teacher using the adoption of the new NETS survey, to get a feel for what they had known about these technological standards. I had set up to interview a 4th grade elementary school teacher in Midland Park, a part of the Bergen County School District. I knew this teacher very well, and on a personal level was aware that this particular teacher is young, very eager for new teaching strategies and technology integration, and would give great insight. It is no surprise that such standards would be written by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), considering that technology is such a dominant resource in our society. It is everywhere you turn, and has slowly, but gradually found its way into the classroom as very useful aids.
When I first began the interview over the phone with my teacher, I started with the most important question to get the ball rolling and that was if they were familiar with the NETS-S Standards or the NETS-T. They expressed to me that they had definitely heard of these standards but knew that they were not used by their particular school and district. Because the interview was over the phone, I provided an email with a link to the survey, and also the website address I decided that in order for this interview to be successful, they would need to see the standards themselves first hand. Their first reaction after reading over the pk-12 standards for the NETS-S was that of excitement and curiosity. They felt that the standards showed both positive and negative qualities, but could not deny the fact that they were certain that their curriculum would need to be revised in order to meet these new standards. They had stated that the standards listed all accurately pertained to the suggested age level, and how all standards addressed important implantations needed with all the new technologies available.  The interviewed teacher expressed to me that even though the school she taught at did not use these exact standards, the majority of what is listed is often times met when meeting the NJCCCS. In other words, creating lessons and methods to meet the NJCCCS, will often result in some of the NETS-S being covered as well. For example, this particular teacher discussed how they use Adobe Photoshop in class to manipulate photos, and also to create grids over photos, that students follow in drawing. The point of a grid is to break a large image down into several images so that proportion stays accurate. Using technologies like what they had stated is a great way of helping artists grow, but doesn’t remove them from the craft of art making itself, rather just aids them as comprehension tools.  The teacher liked the standards overall and advised me to learn them, as they would probably be mandated within the next few years. They also stated that with budget cuts and the poor economy being an issue, a lot of these standards are hard to fulfill without proper funding. I agreed with what they had said, and I anticipated them filling out the survey the way they did. We agreed that the survey was very broad, and if you didn’t know the standards, it was basically useless. As a future educator myself, I feel that perhaps workshops should be organized to help familiarize my colleagues and I on the NETS-S and NETS-T so that they can be implemented in the classroom. Technology is important, and being a younger teacher helps me see that. I grew up with it, therefore it is almost a responsibility of mine to get some of the older colleagues I work with to enter the new technological age. Not only will it allow them to keep their jobs, but their students will greatly benefit when entering the next level of schooling or life.

The link above goes to my Goggle Doc, where I inserted the NETS-S standards. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Interactivity #4: The Pedagogical Uses of Technology

Art education is obviously quiet different from other forms of education, mainly because of its hands on approach.  Very rarely as a student have I ever been exposed to technology integration in art classes other than computer graphics, or graphic design, but this exercise helped significantly in reminding me how much deeper of an understanding my future students can grasp through utilizing the technologies we have access to in the modern day.  I feel as a teacher, and mentor to all future students, it is my responsibility to respect the idea that children are now growing up on computers, and all the intricate technologies attached to that, and a full understanding and strategy to incorporate it is crucial to my success as a teacher, and my students success as learners and artists. I browsed through several lesson plans, and at first assumed this assignment would be simple, considering I use technology every day of my life. But that changed when several lesson plans I came across came off very difficult to find change to incorporate technology. They all seemed pretty set in stone without it, but the lesson plan I chose dealt a lot with researching imagery, and preparing to set up an exhibition that mimicked that of a museum. I knew technology could be used to help students grasp a deeper study of what was expected of them. By getting images from the library, students are limited to only being able to access them at schools, or carry around large books. With the use of google image search, students have access outside of school as well. Technology is definitely an essential in achieving curriculum goals because of all the avenues it opens up for students. Also, technology allows students to be much more organized and on top of work.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Interactivity #3: Technologies for ART

I am appreciative of this assignment, as I feel it is very important to intergrade technology into the classroom, for our students to gain a more in depth understanding of fine arts.  I put a large amount of my focus on this assignments into blogging sites, as I see them as extremely useful tools in visual aiding images. With the Internet being so predominant as a tool in our everyday life, as educators, we must allow our students to see the benefits of photo uploading and sharing. The more viewers are presented with new, and different images, a deeper imaginative world is created for all audiences. Using technology such as an Epson 35mm scanner can gratefully help introduce a student to the professional end of art, and helps set a standard for how the use of technological equipment can aid a final production. I contributed several of my entries under the authoring resources in art. All of the free websites I spoke about, such as photobucket, pixiv, and tumblr, work as very useful ways of allowing students to store images they are working on, without taking up their own personal space on their hard drives, and also gains them access to explore what others are posting about. Students can gain ideas for projects, or studies that can help increase their art making abilities and over all understanding. Among all of the picture storing websites mentioned, I think Pinterest is the most useful, because the images you are presented, are targeted for you’re over all interests you show in what you follow. Following blogs such as Art for small hands can greatly benefit future teachers, in aiding them with lesson plans, and new ideas to present to students. Among all of the technologies I touched on, the one I hold closest to me, in my daily use is Instagram. Even though this Apple application is free, it has significantly helped me as an artist. I am able to post my works and photography, and live through a constant critique from those who follow me. All of these technologies certainly help in opening up students minds, and engaging them to seek new images to help further them as an artistic minded person.
            I enjoyed the research that went into this project, and using the google spread sheet helped in keeping our ideas together neatly and organized. I feel for an online class group work is hard, especially considering we do not know half the people we are expected to work with. I look forward to intergrading technology into my classroom.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Assignment one

Evan Intveld
Technology has impacted my life significantly. It is hard to think of a time where the Internet didn’t exist, and any question you had wasn’t a mouse click away. In the United States, we as citizens are presented newer, faster, and smarter technology on a daily basis. But we as adults are not alone. The children, our students, are also taking on new technology daily. Working at a Verizon store, I know first hand how advanced some kids knowledge is on the latest cell phone releases. I smile to the thought that finally; kids have one up on the parents. For myself I am very reliant on technology everyday for my job, and also with staying on top of school. My three most influential communications technologies are my iPhone, my MacBook, and Instagram. They are listed in order of importance to my life.  I use all three on a daily basis, and they all work importantly in their own way. For my most important technology, I would say my iPhone. I use my iPhone for internet access, text messaging friends and family, email for both personal and college, order clothing, tickets, accessing Facebook and other social networking medias, and most importantly make calls informing my circle of where I am.  The technology is amazing and keeps my life in sync with how I prefer to live it. Reminders are always helpful, and an alarm in the morning is certainly usefully. All my needs are in the palm of my hand. My second most influential technologies is my MacBook. My MacBook it utilized in my work, and also classes. I set up folders and organizers in which I am able to keep on track with school, and also work. I access my emails, edit photographs of drawings used for my portfolio. I can use garage band to mix my own music, and record my own songs. I can manipulate my own work, and further my knowledge of graphic design. The computer allows me to access my work account, and also my Facebook account as well. With a keyboard, and bigger lay out, I am able to do school work much more sufficiently then on the format something like the iPhone offers. My third most influential communications technologies is a program called Instagram. Instagram is an application on Mac products that allows you to keep a journal of your life through photographs. You can follow other users, and other users can follow you. I have found myself to be obsessed with this application, and it has become a huge aid in helping me artistically. Whenever I take a photo, I am able to manipulate a photograph with different effects and filters, giving me multiple different feels and perspective, which any art education major would agree is quiet useful. I am able to show my work to those that follow me, and even get feed back. It is a great feeling to draw something that takes nine hours and have a plethora of people comment on how great it looks. I have kept a great journal of my life using this application, and it is very important to me.
            In regards to Olivia, as a future teacher, I would be glad to see Olivia enthusiastic about technology and social networking. At the same time, I would also see social networking as a distraction, and emphasis the importance of not using it in the classroom setting. It is great to have a hobby but there are other activities that a child must do to stay healthy, both mentally and physically. There are also plenty of dangers that go along with obsessive use of Facebook or MySpace. As a teacher, I would express the importance of being smart when using the Internet. Also it is crucial to avoid befriending any students online. It is inappropriate and completely unnecessary. In the second video, I can relate to what these kids enjoy technology wise. I too use all of the things mentioned in every day life. But most importantly, I am able to learn a lot from technology, and sty on top of my schedule and life. Without technology it would be hard to imagine what the world would be like. Unlike the kids in the video, I am much more concentrated on my artwork. I don’t spend nearly as much time in my spare time, working on the computer for fun, or using social networking. I am perfectly fine using my phone, instagram, my MacBook, and drawing and painting skills while I focus in on getting my degree!