Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Interactivity #3: Technologies for ART

I am appreciative of this assignment, as I feel it is very important to intergrade technology into the classroom, for our students to gain a more in depth understanding of fine arts.  I put a large amount of my focus on this assignments into blogging sites, as I see them as extremely useful tools in visual aiding images. With the Internet being so predominant as a tool in our everyday life, as educators, we must allow our students to see the benefits of photo uploading and sharing. The more viewers are presented with new, and different images, a deeper imaginative world is created for all audiences. Using technology such as an Epson 35mm scanner can gratefully help introduce a student to the professional end of art, and helps set a standard for how the use of technological equipment can aid a final production. I contributed several of my entries under the authoring resources in art. All of the free websites I spoke about, such as photobucket, pixiv, and tumblr, work as very useful ways of allowing students to store images they are working on, without taking up their own personal space on their hard drives, and also gains them access to explore what others are posting about. Students can gain ideas for projects, or studies that can help increase their art making abilities and over all understanding. Among all of the picture storing websites mentioned, I think Pinterest is the most useful, because the images you are presented, are targeted for you’re over all interests you show in what you follow. Following blogs such as Art for small hands can greatly benefit future teachers, in aiding them with lesson plans, and new ideas to present to students. Among all of the technologies I touched on, the one I hold closest to me, in my daily use is Instagram. Even though this Apple application is free, it has significantly helped me as an artist. I am able to post my works and photography, and live through a constant critique from those who follow me. All of these technologies certainly help in opening up students minds, and engaging them to seek new images to help further them as an artistic minded person.
            I enjoyed the research that went into this project, and using the google spread sheet helped in keeping our ideas together neatly and organized. I feel for an online class group work is hard, especially considering we do not know half the people we are expected to work with. I look forward to intergrading technology into my classroom.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Assignment one

Evan Intveld
Technology has impacted my life significantly. It is hard to think of a time where the Internet didn’t exist, and any question you had wasn’t a mouse click away. In the United States, we as citizens are presented newer, faster, and smarter technology on a daily basis. But we as adults are not alone. The children, our students, are also taking on new technology daily. Working at a Verizon store, I know first hand how advanced some kids knowledge is on the latest cell phone releases. I smile to the thought that finally; kids have one up on the parents. For myself I am very reliant on technology everyday for my job, and also with staying on top of school. My three most influential communications technologies are my iPhone, my MacBook, and Instagram. They are listed in order of importance to my life.  I use all three on a daily basis, and they all work importantly in their own way. For my most important technology, I would say my iPhone. I use my iPhone for internet access, text messaging friends and family, email for both personal and college, order clothing, tickets, accessing Facebook and other social networking medias, and most importantly make calls informing my circle of where I am.  The technology is amazing and keeps my life in sync with how I prefer to live it. Reminders are always helpful, and an alarm in the morning is certainly usefully. All my needs are in the palm of my hand. My second most influential technologies is my MacBook. My MacBook it utilized in my work, and also classes. I set up folders and organizers in which I am able to keep on track with school, and also work. I access my emails, edit photographs of drawings used for my portfolio. I can use garage band to mix my own music, and record my own songs. I can manipulate my own work, and further my knowledge of graphic design. The computer allows me to access my work account, and also my Facebook account as well. With a keyboard, and bigger lay out, I am able to do school work much more sufficiently then on the format something like the iPhone offers. My third most influential communications technologies is a program called Instagram. Instagram is an application on Mac products that allows you to keep a journal of your life through photographs. You can follow other users, and other users can follow you. I have found myself to be obsessed with this application, and it has become a huge aid in helping me artistically. Whenever I take a photo, I am able to manipulate a photograph with different effects and filters, giving me multiple different feels and perspective, which any art education major would agree is quiet useful. I am able to show my work to those that follow me, and even get feed back. It is a great feeling to draw something that takes nine hours and have a plethora of people comment on how great it looks. I have kept a great journal of my life using this application, and it is very important to me.
            In regards to Olivia, as a future teacher, I would be glad to see Olivia enthusiastic about technology and social networking. At the same time, I would also see social networking as a distraction, and emphasis the importance of not using it in the classroom setting. It is great to have a hobby but there are other activities that a child must do to stay healthy, both mentally and physically. There are also plenty of dangers that go along with obsessive use of Facebook or MySpace. As a teacher, I would express the importance of being smart when using the Internet. Also it is crucial to avoid befriending any students online. It is inappropriate and completely unnecessary. In the second video, I can relate to what these kids enjoy technology wise. I too use all of the things mentioned in every day life. But most importantly, I am able to learn a lot from technology, and sty on top of my schedule and life. Without technology it would be hard to imagine what the world would be like. Unlike the kids in the video, I am much more concentrated on my artwork. I don’t spend nearly as much time in my spare time, working on the computer for fun, or using social networking. I am perfectly fine using my phone, instagram, my MacBook, and drawing and painting skills while I focus in on getting my degree!